Rust development

We help tech leaders to build secure and scalable systems by leveraging Rust language superpowers.

rust development

Open Source Rust Projects

We believe in Open Source. Our code is available on GitHub. Go and check it.

Open Source SSO and VPN

defguard is our original product - all Open Source. Implemented entirely in Rust - combines aspects of secure architecture, system level coding, networking and beautiful app.

Casper Blockchain Network Node

As members of core dev team, building and extending blockchain node, we focus on security related features like Hardware Security Modules integration and transaction signing that support network validators.

Multi-factor authentication solution

Our implementation of MFA integrated with KeyCloak and coded in Rust protects clients of (biggest internet services provider in Poland).

Decentralised Cryptocurrency Exchange (DEX)

We have picked Rust as a strong foundation for building banking-grade secure backend and infrastructure supporting DeFi exchange.

Cryptocurrency Exchange Order Book Engine

Rust implementation of an exchange order book mechanism focused on ultimate performance and speed.

Algorithmic Trading Solution

Rust implementation of multi-site distributed trading solution, controlling trading nodes in globally distributed traders network. Capable of running sophisticated trading strategies.

Source Code Verification Service for Smart Contracts

Vital functionality for block explorers supports trust through transparency and verifiability. This essential feature allows end users to browse and validate smart contract code.

Unified high-level API for managing WireGuard interfaces

wireguard-rs is a multi-platform Rust library providing a unified high-level API for managing WireGuard interfaces using native OS kernel and userspace WireGuard protocol implementations. It can be used to create your own WireGuard:tm: VPN servers or clients for secure and private networking.

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Team up with senior coders

Work with full-stack software engineers with proven track record working together for a decade. You can hire Rust developer quickly without the burden of long recruitment process.

Kamil Chudy
Kamil Chudy
Seasoned solution architect, cycling addict (5+ bikes) and father. Guarding teonite coding standards and quality.
Jacek Chmielewski
Jacek Chmielewski
Digital nomad, coding from his camper van (if not paragliding). Specialty: Machine Learning and R&D. DefGuard contributor and Rust advocate.
Adam Ciarciński
Adam Ciarciński
Geek. 20+ years of experience in coding (low level, high level, medium level... ) BSD contributor and linux expert.
Maciej Wójcik
Maciej Wójcik
Versatile software developer, proficient in Rust and Python, among other languages. In his spare time, he builds and experiments with a home lab, exploring cutting-edge technologies.
Aleksander Trzepizur
Aleksander Trzepizur
Highly skilled and ambitious coder with a passion for innovation, actively contributing to the Open Source DefGuard platform. Driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact, he consistently delivers high-quality code
Filip Ślęzak
Filip Ślęzak
Senior full-stack developer with deep Web Technology Expertise and opinionated approach to Web Frameworks

Up and beyond.

It’s not only about the team. We got you covered with our Senior management supervision and support.

Robert Olejnik

Security & Infrastructure

Michał Gryczka

Analysis & Data

Przemysław Sinkiewicz

Product & Management

Let's talk.

Michał Gryczka

Michał Gryczka

Co-founder & Board Member

phone: +48 668 354 700

Schedule a free consultation call with me to explore how we can help you achieve your goals.

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